Welcome to EcoTalks!
EcoTalks is a podcast that focuses on environmental technology. In our 30-40 minute episodes, we interview individuals with relevant experience and talk about pressing environmental issues and possible solutions. We always end each episode with the guest giving one piece of environmental advice to all of our listeners.
Episode 1 - Talking with Ms. Kunze-Thibeau about Environmental Technology in Education
Season 1
Episode 1
Welcome to the first episode of EcoTalks!
In this episode, we talked with Ms. Kunze-Thibeau, an environmental science teacher at the Pegasus School, about environmental issues. We focused on environmental technology in education.
Thanks to Ms. Kunze for agreeing to be on the episode!
For questions, contact us through Instagram at @sustainwithchange
Music Credit - Good Night by FASSounds on Pixabay.